My recent training routine starts with 15 minutes of warm-up.
原地走 (walking on the spot, to loosen up the body)
转脚 (ankle rotation)
转膝盖 (knee rotation)
伸屈膝盖 (bending of knees)
弯腰压腿 (hamstring stretch)
大鹏展翅 (raising of arms front and back)
转肩 (turning the shoulders)
伸手 (stretching out the hands)
I practise about 4 days each week.
Day 1:
1 set of Sun style taijiquan
2 sets of Yang/Dong style fast form
1.5 hours of pushing hands
Day 2:
10 sets of opening 起势
1 set of Yang style taijiquan
Day 3:
3 sets of Yang style taijidao
3 sets of Yang style taijijian
3 sets of Chen style taijijian
1 set of Yang/Chen/Sun style taijiquan
Day 4:
1 set of Chen style taijiquan
1.5 hours of pushing hands
Will probably expand the warm-up to daily if I can. At least on those days in which I don't really practise, doing a bit of warm-up exercises before going to work seems like a good idea.
原地走 (walking on the spot, to loosen up the body)
转脚 (ankle rotation)
转膝盖 (knee rotation)
伸屈膝盖 (bending of knees)
弯腰压腿 (hamstring stretch)
大鹏展翅 (raising of arms front and back)
转肩 (turning the shoulders)
伸手 (stretching out the hands)
I practise about 4 days each week.
Day 1:
1 set of Sun style taijiquan
2 sets of Yang/Dong style fast form
1.5 hours of pushing hands
Day 2:
10 sets of opening 起势
1 set of Yang style taijiquan
Day 3:
3 sets of Yang style taijidao
3 sets of Yang style taijijian
3 sets of Chen style taijijian
1 set of Yang/Chen/Sun style taijiquan
Day 4:
1 set of Chen style taijiquan
1.5 hours of pushing hands
Will probably expand the warm-up to daily if I can. At least on those days in which I don't really practise, doing a bit of warm-up exercises before going to work seems like a good idea.